Bird Research and Tracking

The provinces of Iğdır, Kars, Ağrı and Ardahan, where we carry out our work, are on intercontinental bird migration routes. The wetlands it harbors provide many species of birds with the opportunity to feed, rest and protect themselves during their migration journeys, and are also breeding grounds for some species. Bird ringing and tracking with transmitters can identify the migration routes of birds and the important natural areas where they stay, and as a result of the study, information on internationally important areas that need to be protected is obtained.

Egyptian Vulture Capture and Tracking Project

Egyptian Vulture

Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) capture and tracking project was started in Eskişehir in 2022 with the protocol signed between KuzeyDoğa Society, Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality and Iğdır University Ornithology Center.

The global conservation status of Egyptian Vulture decreased from “Least Concern” to “Endangered” in 2007. Egyptian Vultures are one of the few species among the world’s 10000 bird species to drop three places on the World Endangered Species List in one year. Additionally, Egyptian Vultures are the bird species whose situation is most rapidly deteriorating globally among all bird species in Turkey. For this reason, monitoring the areas where the species lives and tracking individuals is important for the species to continue its existence in the world.

With this project, it was aimed to located the habitats, breeding areas, feeding areas and migratory routes of Egyptian Vultures that breed and live in the Central Anatolia region. With the datas obtained, it was aimed to identify the factors affecting the reproductive success, offspring raising and nest success of Egyptian Vultures and to increase these successes.

In line with these goals, at the end of 16 days of field work in 2022, GPS tracking devices were fitted to 3 Egyptian Vultures. On 22.04.2022, our first Egyptian Vulture named “Frig” was caught. “Midas” was caught on 23.04.2022, and “Doğa” was caught on 27.04.2022. The captured Egyptian Vultures were released back into nature after the necessary records were quickly taken for academic studies and examinations and GPS tracking devices were fitted. Midas and Doğa completed their migration and returned to Eskişehir after a year.