The provinces of Iğdır, Kars, Ağrı and Ardahan are on the intercontinental bird migration routes. The wetlands in the region provide nutrition, rest and protection opportunities for many bird species during their migration journeys, while they are also breeding grounds for some species.
Bird ringing:
With bird ringing and tracking studies, the migration routes of birds can be identified. The data obtained as an outcome of the study helps us to protect the areas of international importance.
In addition, monitoring of the migration routes of birds helps us to understand the effects of climate change.
Scientific reports/articles obtained from the studies carried out; In addition to its impact on local conservation studies, it emerges as a scientific publication(s) that will contribute to the identification of protected areas in the international arena.
The effects of climate change and global warming are also understood through bird ringing studies. It was seen that the birds gradually returned from their migration earlier, and this was related to the warming air temperature.
What is ringing?
Bird ringing is a procedure to track birds’ migration routes. Birds are caught with very fine nets that do not harm the birds. Each bird is attached with light, stainless aluminum rings, each of which has a unique number and identity. These rings are attached to the legs of the birds. The rings include the name of the country where the bird was ringed and the address of the ringing centre. They also indicate where the bird came from if a ringed bird is recaptured or found dead. The Turkish National Ringing Program (UHP) carries out the coordination of the bird ringing project in Turkey.
What is ringing? Why it is important? (NAT Geo)
What to do when you find a ringed bird?
Ringed birds are found dead from time to time, but unfortunately, this information does not reach the authorities, as the person who finds it does not know what to do.
If you find a ringed bird please contact the Provincial Directorates of Nature Conservation and National Parks and inform them. This will be a very important support for bird ringing activities.