Wetland Restoration
Due to natural areas have very delicate balances, even successful restoration projects can be carried out in limited areas and often require a lot of effort. Kuyucuk Lake is a biologically important wetland defined as Turkey’s 13th Ramsar Site. However, in the time, the lake surface began to dry out and its delicate ecological balance was endangered.
A project for the restoration of Kuyucuk Lake has been initiated in cooperation with the Republic of Turkey Kars Special Provincial Administration, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Nature Conservation National Parks 13th Regional Directorate, Reckitt Benckiser and KuzeyDoğa Society. Within the scope of this project, the dried lake will be re-watered and necessary measures will be taken to ensure the sustainability of the ecological balance in the lake.
Restoration of natural areas is a very difficult and effort required process. However, it is extremely important to protect and restore wetlands of international importance such as Kuyucuk Lake. With the coordination of project stakeholders and the support of local people, it is aimed to restore the ecological values of Kuyucuk Lake.